Worst Match drove me from ebay

ebay calls it best match, but for casual sellers a better name is worst match.  The old system showed items as they approached the end of their listing lives.  While this is a good thing for auctions it’s not so meaningful for fixed price items so other sorting styles do make sense.

The method chosen doesn’t work.  I’ve been on the good side and the bad side of best match.  On the good side I sold hoops and yoyo plush at a brisk pace.  On the bad side the rest of my inventory stopped being visible and stopped selling.  The fees for listing didn’t go away so there was a disconnect between fees and income earned.

I removed the rest of my listings and sold hoops and yoyo plush for a bit longer while figuring out my next move.  I have a day job and didn’t need ebay to support myself so this was an annoyance, but by no means fatal.

To be continued…

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